







Nächstes Rennen:


12. Dezember 2024


Teamzulässigkeit und Rennvorschriften


Die Team Captains müssen dafür sorgen, dass sich die Teams an alle Regeln für die Teilnahmeberechtigung und für das Rennen halten.


  1. Jedes Team sollte aus 10 Teilnehmern bestehen, mindestens jedoch aus 8 Teilnehmern. Besteht das Team aus 8 Teilnehmern, müssen 2 Läufer eine weitere Runde laufen, sodass das Team insgesamt alle 10 Runden absolviert. Kein Teilnehmer darf mehr als 2 Runden laufen.
  2. Die Teilnehmer dürfen nur in einem einzigen Team bei jedem beliebigen Rennen laufen und müssen am Veranstaltungstag mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.
  3. Mindestens 8 individuelle Teilnehmer in jedem Team müssen bei dem Unternehmen beschäftigt sein, das am Rennen teilnimmt – die Verifizierung der Teilnahmeberechtigung muss auf Anfrage vorgelegt werden.
  4. Sollte ein Unternehmen weniger als 20 Mitarbeiter beschäftigen, kann es sich mit einem anderen Unternehmen zusammentun, das ebenfalls weniger als 20 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, um ein Team zu bilden. Allerdings muss mindestens die Hälfte der Teilnehmer in einem Team bei dem registrierten Unternehmen beschäftigt sein.
  5. Es gibt 3 unterschiedliche Teamwertungen für das Rennen: Overall, Mixed (gemischtes Team) und Frauen. Die ersten vier Regeln für die Teilnahmeberechtigung von Teams gelten für alle 3 Wertungen.
  6. Alle Teams sind in der Wertung „Overall“ teilnahmeberechtigt.
  7. Um für die Wertung „Mixed“ (gemischtes Team) teilnahmeberechtigt zu sein, muss ein Team aus mindestens 4 Teilnehmerinnen bestehen, von denen jede mindestens eine Runde läuft, und aus mindestens 1 männlichen oder nicht-binären Teilnehmer, der mindestens eine Runde läuft – die restlichen Teammitglieder können jedes beliebige Geschlecht haben.
  8. Wenn ein Teilnehmer auf die Frage nach seinem Geschlecht die Option „Keine Angabe“ wählt, ist das Team nur in den Wertungen „Overall“ und „Mixed“ teilnahmeberechtigt (vorausgesetzt, dass mindestens vier Teilnehmerinnen jeweils eine Runde laufen, und dass ein Teilnehmer eines anderen Geschlechts (männlich oder nicht-binär) mindestens eine Runde im gemischten Team läuft).
  9. Um für die Wertung „Frauen“ teilnahmeberechtigt zu sein, muss ein Team ausnahmslos aus Teilnehmerinnen bestehen.
  10. Die schnellsten 3 Overall-Teams, das schnellste gemischte Team und das schnellste Frauenteam erhalten ihre Auszeichnungen, nachdem das Rennen beendet ist. Falls das Rennen jedoch aus irgendeinem Grund abgebrochen werden muss, werden nur diejenigen Teams ausgezeichnet, die mindestens 5 Runden gelaufen sind.



  1. Jedes Team muss 10 Runden der vorgesehenen Strecke von jeweils einer Meile (1,6 km) laufen. 
  2. Immer nur ein Teilnehmer aus dem Team darf auf der Strecke sein.
  3. Wer während seiner Runde ein Stück gehen möchte, statt zu laufen, muss immer an der Seite der Strecke bleiben, um andere Läufer nicht zu behindern.
  4. Dein Chip zur Zeitmessung ist in deinen Staffelstab integriert. Die Teilnehmer dürfen den Staffelstab nur per Hand an ihre eigenen Teammitglieder in der Wechselzone gegenüber den Startpositionen weitergeben – den Staffelstab zu werfen, zu rollen oder zu kicken, ist nicht erlaubt.
  5. Nach der Übergabe des Staffelstabes an sein Teammitglied, muss sich der Teilnehmer unverzüglich in den Zielbereich begeben. Der letzte Teilnehmer muss den Staffelstab seines Teams an die Mitarbeiter im Zielbereich übergeben.
  6. Jeder Teilnehmer muss während des Rennens seine Startnummer deutlich sichtbar auf der Vorderseite seines T-Shirts bzw. seiner Weste tragen.

Das Einlegen von Einsprüchen ist nicht zulässig. Die Entscheidungen des Veranstalters sind endgültig.

Wie funktioniert die Veranstaltung?

Dies ist eine vollständig immersive Teambuilding Veranstaltung, welche einen kooperativen Mannschaftsstaffelwettbewerb, Bewirtung und eine After-Party vereint. Für den Lauf müssen sich zehn (10) Personen zu einer Mannschaft zusammenschließen, jeder von ihnen läuft eine (1) Runde mit einer (1) Meile, ganz im Sinne eines Staffellaufes. Die schnellste Mannschaft, die als erstes die zehn (10) Meilen gelaufen ist, gewinnt! Im Verlauf des Rennens erhalten alle Teilnehmer Bewirtung und Zutritt zu der After-Race Party in der Race-Village.

Kann ich jetzt eine Mannschaft anmelden und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt Teilnehmer hinzufügen?

Zu Beginn muss nur eine Person der Veranstaltung beitreten und die Anmeldung der Mannschaft, sowie die Zahlung abschließen. Die komplette Anmeldung kann später durch die Eintragung der 10 Läufer der Mannschaft in der Kategorie “Mannschaftsprofil” in der Online Anmeldung auf der Webseite erfolgen.

Wer darf teilnehmen?

Die Anmeldung steht nur Unternehmen und professionellen Organisationen offen. Jede Mannschaft muss zehn (10) Läufer für die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung gewinnen. Wie auch immer, wir laden alle Mitarbeiter, Freunde und Familienmitglieder ein an den Veranstaltungsort zu kommen und die Läufer anzufeuern oder die Festlichkeiten zu genießen.

Welche Ehrungen finden an dem Abend statt?

Es gibt 5 Ehrungen bei jedem Rennen. Die schnellste Mannschaft erhält die Siegertrophäe; es gibt weiterhin Trophäen für die zweite und dritte Mannschaft, das schnellste Mixed Team und die schnellste weibliche Mannschaft.

Was, wenn wir nicht genug Personen für eine Mannschaft haben?

Jedes Team muss aus 10 Läufern bestehen. Jedoch, wenn aus besonderen Gründen nicht anders möglich (z.B.: kurzfristige Krankheitsfälle oder Verletzungen), liegt die minimale Teilnehmerzahl einer Mannschaft aus 8 Personen. In diesem Fall können zwei Läufer der Mannschaft die Runde zwei Mal laufen. Wir raten euch jedoch, ein paar Reserve-Läufer zu haben, die notfalls einspringen können, da keine Rückerstattungen erfolgen.

Bitte bemerke, dass mindestens 8 Läufer einer Mannschaft in dem Unternehmen angestellt sein müssen. Falls ein Unternehmen weniger als 20 Mitarbeiter hat, ist es erlaubt dass sich das Unternehmen mit einem anderen Unternehmen, das ebenfalls weniger als 20 Mitarbeiter hat, zusammenschließt um eine Mannschaft zu bilden. Jedoch müssen wenigstens 4 Läufer aus dem Unternehmen, das die Anmeldung durchführt, stammen (für weitere Details siehe dir die Teilnahmebedingungen an).

Der Veranstalter hat das Recht, nach eigenem Ermessen einer Mannschaft die Teilnahme zu verweigern, wenn diese Regel nicht eingehalten werden und / oder die Mannschaft nach der Veranstaltung auszuschließen.

Nimmt meine Mannschaft an der Wertung “Mixed Team” teil?

Um sich für die Mixed Team-Kategorie zu qualifizieren, muss eine Mannschaft aus mindestens einem männlichen Läufer und mindestens vier weiblichen Läuferinnen bestehen, die jeweils eine Runde des 1-Meilen-Kurses absolvieren müssen. Der Rest der Mannschaft kann beliebig mit Läufern beiderlei Geschlechter aufgefüllt werden.

Ich habe mich angemeldet, was nun?

Nachdem die Online Anmeldung ausgefüllt wurde, wird man zum Zahlungsvorgang weitergeleitet. Sobald die Bestellung bearbeitet wurde, wird eine E-Mail mit den Anmeldedaten zu dem Mannschaftsprofil und Anweisungen, wie Kollegen zu der Mannschaft eingeladen werden können und das Online-Formular für die Verzichtserklärung ausfüllen können. Jeder Mannschaftskapitän muss das Online-Formular für die Verzichtserklärung ausfüllen und sicherstellen, dass jedes Mannschaftsmitglied die Ausnahmebedingungen akzeptiert, bevor die Mannschaft am Rennen teilnehmen kann.

Wann erhalte ich meine Startunterlagen?

Deine digitalen Veranstaltungsinformationen werden per Email eine (1) Woche vor der Veranstaltung verschickt. Bitte stelle sicher, dass die Email-Adresse korrekt angegeben wurde. Als Mannschaftskapitän ist es deine Aufgabe sicherzustellen, dass jeder Teilnehmer seine richtige Startnummer hat. Die Startreihenfolge hast du bei der Anmeldung der Mannschaft festgelegt.

Ich habe meine Startunterlagen nicht erhalten?

Die digitalen Startunterlagen werden eine (1) Woche vor der Veranstaltung per Email verschickt. Falls du die Startunterlagen nicht erhalten hast, kontaktiere bitte das Team der Bloomberg Square Mile Relay per Email an [email protected] und wir senden die entsprechende Email  mit den Startunterlagen erneut zu.

Ich habe nicht alle Mannschaftsmitglieder dazu bekommen die Verzichtserklärung zu unterschreiben, was nun?

Die Verzichtserklärung muss online durch jeden Teilnehmer in der Profilkategorie akzeptiert werden um an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen zu dürfen. Der Teamkapitän muss die Namen der Teilnehmer in korrekter Reihenfolge übermitteln. Falls irgendwelche Unterschriften fehlen, können diese am Veranstaltungstag im Registrationszelt nachgezeigt werden. Sobald die Unterschriften aller 10 Teilnehmer vorliegen, kann die Anmeldung finalisiert werden und die Startnummern sowie der Staffelstab werden ausgehändigt.

Startunterlagen, Startnummer und Staffelstab

Die Startunterlagen werden per Email an alle Läufer eine (1) Woche vor der Veranstaltung gesendet. Die Startnummer und der Staffelstab werden am Veranstaltungstag vom Mannschaftskapitän im Registrationszelt abgeholt.

Was ist in den Startunterlagen inkludiert?

Alle Veranstaltungsinformationen, die Streckenkarte und den Zeitplan findest du in den digitalen Startunterlagen. Die Startnummern, welche elementare Informationen zu der Mannschaft enthält, wie die Mannschaftsnummer, die Rennnummer, den Coupon für die Kleiderbeutelabgabe und Gutscheine für Essen und Trinken, werden vom Teamkapitän am Veranstaltungstag abgeholt.

Do you have a Club App?

Yes we do! We've upgraded your entire race experience pre and post-race, so you can stay motivated for the iconic Bloomberg Square Mile Relay all year round.

For the first time, live relay events will now be part of the Square Mile Club app. This means you can find out key information about when the relay hits your city, connect with teammates, and even set up a training group to motivate and encourage each other in the run-up to the race.

On race day, you’ll have all the event information at the tap of a finger, and most importantly of all, you’ll be able to check live race results and rankings during and after the event.

Download for Apple or Android now.

How do I earn points?

Points are earned through a wide range of activities, tracked through the app. If you complete a virtual challenge or race, bonus points will be available!

For more information about points, please check out the Club Support.

What is a ‘virtual’ race or challenge?

A ‘virtual’ race or challenge enables you to participate in an event wherever you are in the world. Virtual walking, running or cycling works exactly the same as any other type of activity - you can do it in any location, at any pace, inside on stationery equipment or outside on the street, in a park, or even in another country!

Once you are a member of the Square Mile Club you will have access to all our ‘virtual’ races and challenges.

How can I access the Club?

Just head to the relevant app store on your device and download the app for either Apple or Android. Once you have downloaded the app, you can sign up and create a new account.

Who can join the Club?

Anyone can join the Square Mile Club as long as they are employed by a company, and register under their company’s name. You do not need to have participated in a Bloomberg Square Mile Relay race, but please note that any new companies will need to be verified.

What if I encounter an error during the login or registration process?

If you come across an error, or are directed to an error webpage, please re-start the login or registration process and try again.

If you repeatedly face the problem, please take a screenshot of the issue you encounter and head to Club Support.

Any more questions?

If you have any further questions, please visit the Club Support.

Or if you would like further information, please visit the Square Mile Club.

When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Dubai 2024 will take place on Thursday, 15th February. The race starts and finishes in front of the Gate Building at Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC).

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing rooms on-site so we recommend that runners arrive ready to run. There will be toilets with cubicles, and a baggage tent where you can leave your bags during the race should you need to.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should expect to arrive at 5:30pm on the day to register and collect their team’s race bibs (please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team). Team members will need to arrive by 6:00pm, to be ready for the important race briefing at 6.30pm, followed by the race start at 7:00pm.

Please click here to view the full schedule.

*Please note - times are subject to change

How do I get to the Race Village?

Bus: Emirates Towers MS Landside Bus Station: Service # 27, 29. Taxi: Drop-off point at DIFC Gate Building 5 entrance. Metro: Emirates Towers Metro Station, Exit 1, Sheikh Zayed Road (North). Parking: Public parking available in close proximity. Note: Access to the Race Village via The Gate Building is not possible.

What are the Team Eligibility and Race Rules for the Dubai race?


  1. Each team should consist of 10 participants, but the minimum number of participants per team is 8 - in this situation, 2 participants must run another lap each in order for the team to complete all 10 laps. No participant is permitted to run more than 2 laps.
  2. Participants are permitted to run in only one team at any given race and must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.
  3. A minimum of 8 individual participants in each team must be employed by the corporation or be a member of the professional organisation or learned society entering the race – verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.
  4. If a corporation has less than 20 employees or members, they are able to group together with one other corporation that also has less than 20 employees or members in order to form a team, but at least half of the participants in the team must be employees or members from the registered corporation.
  5. There are 3 different team categories in the race: Overall, Mixed and Female. Team Eligibility Rules 1-4 apply to all 3 categories.
  6. All teams will be eligible for the Overall category.
  7. To be eligible for the Mixed category, a team will need to consist of at least 4 individual female participants, running a minimum of one lap each, and at least 1 male or non-binary participant running at least one lap - the rest of the team can be filled with any gender.
  8. If a participant selects ‘Prefer not to say’ as their gender, the team will only be eligible for the Overall category and Mixed Team category (providing there are at least four different females running one lap each and one other gendered runner (male or non binary) running at least one lap in the Mixed Team).
  9. To be eligible for the Female category, a team will need to consist of female participants only.
  10. The fastest 3 Overall teams, the fastest Mixed team and the fastest Female team will be awarded after the race has finished, but if the race needs to be stopped for any reason the awards will only be presented to teams that have completed at least 5 laps.


  1. Every team must complete 10 laps of the designated one-mile (1.6km) course.
  2. There can only be one participant per team on the course at any given time.
  3. Should any participant wish to walk instead instead of run during their lap, always keep to the side of the course to prevent blocking other participants.
  4. Your race baton contains your timing chip. Participants can only pass the baton by hand to their own team members, in the transition area, opposite the race pens - throwing, rolling or kicking the baton is not allowed.
  5. After handing the baton to their team member, the participant must immediately move to the Finish Area. The last participant must return their team baton to staff in the finish area.
  6. Each participant is required to display their bib number clearly throughout the race on the front of their t-shirt or vest.
  7. You must treat every participant, volunteer, spectator, and staff member with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability or any other characteristic. Disrespectful behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.
  8. Always prioritise the safety of yourself and others. Routes can be narrow in places so please ensure you follow the instructions of event staff, be aware of your surroundings, and give each other space wherever possible to prevent accidents and injuries.
  9. If there is reason to believe that a lap time has been achieved by unfair means, that lap may be subject to a time penalty at the Race Organiser's discretion.

No appeals are allowed. The Race Organiser’s decision is final.

Will there be an After-Party?

After the awards presentation in the Event Village, participants are invited to head to the Official After-Party at the Dolce, only a short walk away!

Can spectators come into the Race Village?

Spectators are welcome to join runners in the Event Village! Check out the route map to see where you can catch the best of the action.

Wann und wo findet der Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Frankfurt statt?

Der Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Frankfurt 2024 findet am Donnerstag, den 12. September 2024, am Walther-von-Cronberg-Platz statt.


Um welche Uhrzeit müssen wir an dem Abend da sein?

Die Team Captains sollten um 17:30 Uhr am Tag der Veranstaltung eintreffen, um sich zu registrieren und die Startunterlagen (Race Pack) für ihr Team abzuholen, darin befinden sich auch die Startnummern für alle Läufer.


Bitte beachte, dass ausschließlich der ernannte Team Captain das Team anmelden kann. Die Teammitglieder sollten um 18 Uhr vor Ort sein, um die Startnummern von ihrem Team Captain zu erhalten.


Den gesamten Zeitplan findest du hier.

Dürfen Zuschauer ins Race Village kommen?

Zuschauer sind herzlich eingeladen, sich unter die Teilnehmenden zu mischen und das Geschehen live an der Strecke zu verfolgen.

Dürfen Zuschauer ins Race Village kommen?

Zuschauer sind herzlich eingeladen, sich unter die Teilnehmenden zu mischen und das Geschehen live an der Strecke zu verfolgen.

Gibt es Umkleidemöglichkeiten vor Ort?

Es wird vor Ort keine Umkleidekabinen geben. Wir empfehlen, dass die Läufer umgezogen und bereit zum Start am Race Village ankommen.

Es wird jedoch Toilettenkabinen geben. Weiterhin wird auch eine Gepäckabgabe zur Verfügung stehen, bei der du deine Sachen während des Rennens sicher unterbringen kannst.

Wird es eine Afterparty geben?

Alle Teilnehmenden können an der „Afterparty“ im Race Village mit Musik und erstklassiger Verpflegung teilnehmen. Jeder Läufer erhält mit seinen Startunterlagen einen Voucher für Getränke sowie einen Hauptgang und ein Dessert.

When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Hong Kong 2024 will take place on Thursday 14th November. The race village and start line will be at Tamar Park.

Will there be an After-Party?

Participants will be able to enjoy the ‘After-Party’ in the Race Village where there will be music and first-class hospitality, including a main meal, dessert and drinks as part of their entry package.

Can spectators come into the Race Village?

Spectators are welcome to join runners in the Event Village! We will shortly update the route map where you can see the best spots to catch the action.

Are there changing facilities at the event?

We recommend that all runners arrive ready to run. There will be toilets with cubicles, and a baggage tent where you can leave your bags during the race should you need to.

Where will the relay take place?

The Relay will take place at the Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA Vitality Park

​When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay London 2024 will take place on Thursday 26th September. The race starts and finishes at Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 7HH and is easily accessible by public transport. The nearest underground stations are Bank, Moorgate, Mansion House and St Paul’s.

​What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing rooms on-site so we recommend that runners arrive ready to run. There will be toilets with cubicles, and a baggage tent where you can leave your bags during the race should you need to.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should arrive from 5.30pm on the day to register and collect their team’s baton. Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. Team members need to arrive from 6:15pm

Further timings can be found on the schedule here.

*Please note - times are subject to change

​What roads will be closed?

A number of roads in the city will be closed for a limited period. Road closures will be implemented from 18:30 until 20:45. Street parking will also be suspended. Please refer to the course page and the following list of roads that will be affected: Gresham Street, Noble Street, Wood Street, Love Lane, Aldermanbury and Aldermanbury Square, as well as King Street and Milk Street. Vehicles and pedestrians will be facilitated across the route (not along the route) at specific crossing points prior to the race. Once the race has started vehicles will not be permitted to cross until the final runner has passed and pedestrians should cross at specific crossing points where possible.

Startunterlagen, Startnummer und Staffelstab

Die Startunterlagen werden per Email an alle Läufer eine (1) Woche vor der Veranstaltung gesendet. Die Startnummer und der Staffelstab werden am Veranstaltungstag vom Mannschaftskapitän im Registrationszelt abgeholt.

Will there be an After-Party?

Participants will be able to enjoy the ‘After-Party’ in the Race Village where there will be music and first-class hospitality for all participants, including a main meal, dessert and drinks as part of their entry package.

Can spectators come into the Race Village?

Spectators are welcome to join runners in the Event Village! Check out the route map to see where you can catch the best of the action.

What are the Team Eligibility and Race Rules for the Mumbai race?


  1. Each team should consist of 10 participants, but the minimum number of participants per team is 8 - in this situation, 2 participants must run another lap each in order for the team to complete all 10 laps. No participant is permitted to run more than 2 laps.
  2. Participants are permitted to run in only one team at any given race and must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.
  3. A minimum of 8 individual participants in each team must be employed by the corporation or be a member of the professional organisation or learned society entering the race – verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.
  4. If a corporation has less than 20 employees or members, they are able to group together with one other corporation that also has less than 20 employees or members in order to form a team, but at least half of the participants in the team must be employees or members from the registered corporation.
  5. There are 3 different team categories in the race: Overall, Mixed and Female. Team Eligibility Rules 1-4 apply to all 3 categories.
  6. All teams will be eligible for the Overall category.
  7. To be eligible for the Mixed category, a team will need to consist of at least 4 individual female participants, running a minimum of one lap each, and at least 1 male or non-binary participant running at least one lap - the rest of the team can be filled with any gender.
  8. If a participant selects ‘Prefer not to say’ as their gender, the team will only be eligible for the Overall category and Mixed Team category (providing there are at least four different females running one lap each and one other gendered runner (male or non binary) running at least one lap in the Mixed Team).
  9. To be eligible for the Female category, a team will need to consist of female participants only.
  10. The fastest 3 Overall teams, the fastest Mixed team and the fastest Female team will be awarded after the race has finished, but if the race needs to be stopped for any reason the awards will only be presented to teams that have completed at least 5 laps.


  1. Every team must complete 10 laps of the designated one-mile (1.6km) course.
  2. There can only be one participant per team on the course at any given time.
  3. Should any participant wish to walk instead of run during their lap, always keep to the side of the course to prevent blocking other participants.
  4. Your race baton contains your timing chip. Participants can only pass the baton by hand to their own team members, in the transition area, opposite the race pens - throwing, rolling or kicking the baton is not allowed.
  5. After handing the baton to their team member, the participant must immediately move into the Finish Area. The last participant must return their baton to staff in the finish area.
  6. Each participant is required to display their bib number clearly throughout the race on the front of their t-shirt or vest.
  7. You must trat every participant, volunteer, spectator, and staff member with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or any other characteristic. Disrespectful behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.
  8. Always prioritise the safety of yourself and others. Routes can be narrow in places so please ensure you follow the instructions of event staff, be aware of your surroundings, and give each other space wherever possible to prevent accidents and injuries.
  9. If there is reason to believe that a lap time has been achieved by unfair means, that lap may be subject to a time penalty at the Race Organiser's discretion.

No appeals are allowed. The Race Organiser’s decision is final.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should expect to arrive at 5:00pm on the day to register and collect their team’s race bibs (please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team). Team members will need to arrive by 5:30pm, to be ready for the important race briefing at 5:45pm, followed by the race start at 6:30pm.

Please click here to view the full schedule.

*Please note - times are subject to change

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing rooms on-site so we recommend that runners arrive ready to run. There will be toilets with cubicles, and a baggage tent where you can leave your bags during the race should you need to.

When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Mumbai 2024 will take place on Friday, 23rd February. The race starts and finishes in Jio Gardens, in the heart of Mumbai's financial district.

Will there be an After-Party?

Participants will be able to enjoy the ‘After-Party’ in the Race Village where there will be music and first-class hospitality for all participants, including a main meal, dessert and drinks as part of their entry package.

When and where will the next race take place in New York?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay New York 2024 will take place on Thursday, 13th June at The Seaport District.

What are the Team Eligibility and Race Rules for the New York race?

Please see the updated New York Eligibility and Race Rules HERE.

Can spectators come into the Race Village?

Spectators are welcome to join runners in the Event Village! Check out the route map to see where you can catch the best of the action.

Will there be an After-Party?

Participants will be able to enjoy the ‘After-Party’ in the Race Village where there will be music and first-class hospitality for all participants, including a main meal, dessert and drinks as part of their entry package.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should arrive from 5.30pm on the day to register and collect their team’s race pack which includes all runner bibs. Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. Team members need to arrive by 6pm.

The full schedule can be viewed here

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing rooms on-site so we recommend that runners arrive ready to run. There will be toilets with cubicles, and a baggage tent where you can leave your bags during the race should you need to.

When will the next race take place in San Francisco?

We are delighted to announce the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay will be returning to San Francisco on Thursday 25th July 2024!

The race will be exclusively for Bloomberg clients.

What are the Team Eligibility and Race Rules for the San Francisco race?


  1. Each team should consist of 10 participants, but the minimum number of participants per team is 8 - in this situation, 2 participants must run another lap each in order for the team to complete all 10 laps. No participant is permitted to run more than 2 laps.
  2. Participants are permitted to run in only one team at any given race and must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.
  3. A minimum of 8 individual participants in each team must be employed by the corporation or be a member of the professional organisation or learned society entering the race – verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.
  4. If a corporation has less than 20 employees or members, they are able to group together with one other corporation that also has less than 20 employees or members in order to form a team, but at least half of the participants in the team must be employees or members from the registered corporation.
  5. There are 3 different team categories in the race: Overall, Mixed and Team Eligibility Rules 1-4 apply to all 3 categories.
  6. All teams will be eligible for the Overall
  7. To be eligible for the Mixed category, a team will need to consist of at least 4 individual female participants, running a minimum of one lap each, and at least 1 male or non-binary participant running at least one lap - the rest of the team can be filled with any gender.
  8. If a participant selects ‘Prefer not to say’ as their gender, the team will only be eligible for the Overall category and Mixed Team category (providing there are at least four different females running one lap each and one other gendered runner (male or non binary) running at least one lap in the Mixed Team).
  9. To be eligible for the Female category, a team will need to consist of female participants only.
  10. The fastest 3 Overall teams, the fastest Mixed team and the fastest Female team will be awarded after the race has finished, but if the race needs to be stopped for any reason the awards will only be presented to teams that have completed at least 5 laps.


  1. Every team must complete 10 laps of the designated one-mile (1.6km) course.
  2. There can only be one participant per team on the course at any given time.
  3. Should any participant wish to walk instead of run during their lap, always keep to the side of the course to prevent blocking other participants.
  4. Your race baton contains your timing chip. Participants can only pass the baton by hand to their own team members, in the transition area, opposite the race pens - throwing, rolling or kicking the baton is not allowed.
  5. After handing the baton to their team member, the participant must immediately move into the Finish Area. The last participant must return their team baton to staff in the finish area.
  6. Each participant is required to display their bib number clearly throughout the race on the front of their t-shirt or vest.
  7. You must treat every participant, volunteer, spectator, and staff member with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or any other characteristic. Disrespectful behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.
  8. Always prioritise the safety of yourself and others. Routes can be narrow in places so please ensure you follow the instructions of event staff, be aware of your surroundings, and give each other space wherever possible to prevent accidents and injuries.
  9. If there is reason to believe that a lap time has been achieved by unfair means, that lap may be subject to a time penalty at the Race Organiser's discretion.

No appeals are allowed. The Race Organiser’s decision is final.

Can spectators come into the Race Village?

Spectators are welcome to join runners in the Event Village! Check out the route map to see where you can catch the best of the action.

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing rooms on-site so we recommend that runners arrive ready to run. There will be toilets with cubicles, and a baggage tent where you can leave your bags during the race should you need to.

Will there be an After-Party?

Participants will be able to enjoy the ‘After-Party’ in the Race Village where there will be music and first-class hospitality for all participants, including a main meal, dessert and drinks as part of their entry package.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should arrive from 4.00 pm on the day to register and collect their team’s race pack which includes all runner bibs. Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. Team members need to arrive from 4:30pm.

The full schedule can be viewed here

When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay 2024 will take place on Thursday 8th August at Parque do Povo. Further details can be found on the city race page.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should arrive from 5:00pm on the day to register and collect their team’s race pack, which includes team baton and race bibs.

Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. We will take whoever registered the team as the captain unless we are told otherwise.  

Team members need to arrive by 6pm. At 6:45pm a warm-up will take place with the race starting at 7pm. Please note all times are subject to change.

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing facilities on-site, but there is a place where you can store a small bag during the race.

​Can spectators buy food and drinks on the night?

Spectators are encouraged to come along to cheer on runners in the race and enjoy the atmosphere in the Race Village.

Hospitality packages will be available to purchase on the website shortly.

Startunterlagen, Startnummer und Staffelstab

Die Startunterlagen werden per Email an alle Läufer eine (1) Woche vor der Veranstaltung gesendet. Die Startnummer und der Staffelstab werden am Veranstaltungstag vom Mannschaftskapitän im Registrationszelt abgeholt.

Was ist in den Startunterlagen inkludiert?

Alle Veranstaltungsinformationen, die Streckenkarte und den Zeitplan findest du in den digitalen Startunterlagen. Die Startnummern, welche elementare Informationen zu der Mannschaft enthält, wie die Mannschaftsnummer, die Rennnummer, den Coupon für die Kleiderbeutelabgabe und Gutscheine für Essen und Trinken, werden vom Teamkapitän am Veranstaltungstag abgeholt.

​When and where is it taking place?

The 2024 Bloomberg Square Mile Relay in Singapore will be taking place on Thursday 24th October at The Promontory, 11 Marina Blvd.

What are the changing facilities?

There will be toilets and baggage storage on site, but it is recommended that runners arrive ready to run! Please check the weather forecast and bring appropriate clothing for the weather.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team Captains may be expected to arrive from 5.00pm on the day to register and collect their team’s baton. Please note, it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. We will take whoever registered the team as the captain unless we are told otherwise. Team members need to arrive from 6.00pm. A warm-up will take place before the race is due to start at 7.00pm.

Further timing details can be found here.

​Can spectators buy food and drinks on the night?

Spectators are encouraged to come along to cheer on runners in the race and enjoy the atmosphere in the Race Village. Food and drink will be available for all colleagues, friends and family to purchase in advance on the website, or from the hospitality voucher booth on race day.

What are the Team Eligibility and Race Rules for the Singapore race?


  1. Each team should consist of 10 participants, but the minimum number of participants per team is 8 - in this situation, 2 participants must run another lap each in order for the team to complete all 10 laps. No participant is permitted to run more than 2 laps.
  2. Participants are permitted to run in only one team at any given race and must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.
  3. A minimum of 8 individual participants in each team must be employed by the corporation or be a member of the professional organisation or learned society entering the race – verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.
  4. If a corporation has less than 20 employees or members, they are able to group together with one other corporation that also has less than 20 employees or members in order to form a team, but at least half of the participants in the team must be employees or members from the registered corporation.
  5. There are 3 different team categories in the race: Overall, Mixed and Team Eligibility Rules 1-4 apply to all 3 categories.
  6. All teams will be eligible for the Overall
  7. To be eligible for the Mixed category, a team will need to consist of at least 4 individual female participants, running a minimum of one lap each, and at least 1 male or non-binary participant running at least one lap - the rest of the team can be filled with any gender.
  8. If a participant selects ‘Prefer not to say’ as their gender, the team will only be eligible for the Overall category and Mixed Team category (providing there are at least four different females running one lap each and one other gendered runner (male or non binary) running at least one lap in the Mixed Team).
  9. To be eligible for the Female category, a team will need to consist of female participants only.
  10. The fastest 3 Overall teams, the fastest Mixed team and the fastest Female team will be awarded after the race has finished, but if the race needs to be stopped for any reason the awards will only be presented to teams that have completed at least 5 laps.


  1. Every team must complete 10 laps of the designated one-mile (1.6km) course.
  2. There can only be one participant per team on the course at any given time.
  3. Should any participant wish to walk instead of run during their lap, always keep to the side of the course to prevent blocking other participants.
  4. Your race baton contains your timing chip. Participants can only pass the baton by hand to their own team members, in the transition area, opposite the race pens - throwing, rolling or kicking the baton is not allowed.
  5. After handing the baton to their team member, the participant must immediately move into the Finish Area. The last participant must return their team baton to staff in the finish area.
  6. Each participant is required to display their bib number clearly throughout the race on the front of their t-shirt or vest.
  7. You must treat every participant, volunteer, spectator, and staff member with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or any other characteristic. Disrespectful behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.
  8. Always prioritise the safety of yourself and others. Routes can be narrow in places so please ensure you follow the instructions of event staff, be aware of your surroundings, and give each other space wherever possible to prevent accidents and injuries.
  9. If there is reason to believe that a lap time has been achieved by unfair means, that lap may be subject to a time penalty at the Race Organiser's discretion.

No appeals are allowed. The Race Organiser’s decision is final.

What are the Team Eligibility and Race Rules for the Sydney race?


  1. Each team should consist of 10 participants, but the minimum number of participants per team is 8 - in this situation, 2 participants must run another lap each in order for the team to complete all 10 laps. No participant is permitted to run more than 2 laps.
  2. Participants are permitted to run in only one team at any given race and must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.
  3. A minimum of 8 individual participants in each team must be employed by the corporation or be a member of the professional organisation or learned society entering the race – verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.
  4. If a corporation has less than 20 employees or members, they are able to group together with one other corporation that also has less than 20 employees or members in order to form a team, but at least half of the participants in the team must be employees or members from the registered corporation.
  5. There are 3 different team categories in the race: Overall, Mixed and Team Eligibility Rules 1-4 apply to all 3 categories.
  6. All teams will be eligible for the Overall
  7. To be eligible for the Mixed category, a team will need to consist of at least 4 individual female participants, running a minimum of one lap each, and at least 1 male or non-binary participant running at least one lap - the rest of the team can be filled with any gender.
  8. If a participant selects ‘Prefer not to say’ as their gender, the team will only be eligible for the Overall category and Mixed Team category (providing there are at least four different females running one lap each and one other gendered runner (male or non binary) running at least one lap in the Mixed Team).
  9. To be eligible for the Female category, a team will need to consist of female participants only.
  10. The fastest 3 Overall teams, the fastest Mixed team and the fastest Female team will be awarded after the race has finished, but if the race needs to be stopped for any reason the awards will only be presented to teams that have completed at least 5 laps.


  1. Every team must complete 10 laps of the designated one-mile (1.6km) course.
  2. There can only be one participant per team on the course at any given time.
  3. Should any participant wish to walk instead of run during their lap, always keep to the side of the course to prevent blocking other participants.
  4. Your race baton contains your timing chip. Participants can only pass the baton by hand to their own team members, in the transition area, opposite the race pens - throwing, rolling or kicking the baton is not allowed.
  5. After handing the baton to their team member, the participant must immediately move into the Finish Area. The last participant must return their team baton to staff in the finish area.
  6. Each participant is required to display their bib number clearly throughout the race on the front of their t-shirt or vest.
  7. You must treat every participant, volunteer, spectator, and staff member with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or any other characteristic. Disrespectful behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.
  8. Always prioritise the safety of yourself and others. Routes can be narrow in places so please ensure you follow the instructions of event staff, be aware of your surroundings, and give each other space wherever possible to prevent accidents and injuries.
  9. If there is reason to believe that a lap time has been achieved by unfair means, that lap may be subject to a time penalty at the Race Organiser's discretion.

No appeals are allowed. The Race Organiser’s decision is final.

Will there be an After-Party?

After the awards presentation in the Event Village, participants are invited to head to the Official After-Party at the The Argyle, only a short walk away!

​When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Sydney 2024 will take place on Thursday 14th November.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should arrive from 5.00pm on the day to register and collect their team’s baton. Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. Team members need to arrive from 6pm.

The full schedule can be viewed here

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing facilities on-site, so we recommend arriving ready to run.  There is a secure baggage drop where you can leave a small bag during the race.

Can spectators come into the Race Village?

Spectators are very welcome!

Startunterlagen, Startnummer und Staffelstab

Die Startunterlagen werden per Email an alle Läufer eine (1) Woche vor der Veranstaltung gesendet. Die Startnummer und der Staffelstab werden am Veranstaltungstag vom Mannschaftskapitän im Registrationszelt abgeholt.

What time do we need to be there on the night? 

Team captains should arrive from 5:30pm on the day to register and collect their team’s baton. Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can collect the team’s race pack. 

Team members need to arrive before 6pm in order to allow enough time to receive their race bib from their team captain.

At 6:15pm there will be a welcome on stage by the MC, then at 6:30pm there will be an official race briefing, followed by the warm-up at 6.45pm, prior to the race start at 7pm. Please note all times are subject to change.  


Tokyo Team Eligibility & Race Rules


Team Captains are responsible for ensuring their teams adhere to all team eligibility and race rules.

1. Each team should consist of 10 participants, but the minimum number of participants per team is 8 - in this situation, 2 participants must run another complete full lap (2 mini laps = 1 complete full lap) each in order for the team to complete all 10 full laps. No participant is permitted to run more than 2 complete full laps (4 mini laps).

2. Participants are permitted to run in only one team at any given race and must be at least 18 years of age on the race date.

3. A minimum of 8 individual participants in each team must be employed by or be a member of the corporation or University entering the race. Please ensure you register with your work email address, verification of eligibility must be provided upon request.

4. If a corporation or University has less than 20 employees or members, they are able to group together with one other corporation or University that also has less than 20 employees or members in order to form a team, but at least half of the participants in the team must be employees or members from the registered corporation or University.

5. There are 3 different team categories in the race: Open, Mixed and Female. Team Eligibility Rules 1-4 apply to all 3 categories.

6. All teams will be eligible for the Open category.

7. To be eligible for the Mixed category, a team will need to consist of at least 4 individual female participants, running a minimum of one lap each, and at least 1 male or non-binary participant running at least one lap - the rest of the team can be filled with any gender.

8. If a participant selects ‘Prefer not to say’ as their gender, the team will only be eligible for the Overall category and Mixed Team category (providing there are at least four different females running one lap each and one other gendered runner (male or non binary) running at least one lap in the Mixed Team).

9. To be eligible for the Female category, a team will need to consist of female participants only.

10. The fastest 3 Open teams, the fastest Mixed team and the fastest Female team will be awarded after the race has finished, but if the race needs to be stopped for any reason the awards will only be presented to teams that have completed at least 5 laps.


1. Every team must run 10 complete full laps (20 mini laps) of the designated one-mile (1.6km) course.

2. Failure for a runner to complete two mini laps (1 complete full lap) will result in an incomplete full lap and an automatic 10 minute penalty will be added to the runners existing time e.g. if a runner only completes one mini lap in 3 minutes and fails to complete their second mini lap, their total complete full lap time will be 13 minutes.

3. There can only be one participant per team on the course at any given time.

4. Should any participant wish to walk instead of run during their laps, always keep to the side of the course to prevent blocking other participants.

5. Your race baton contains your timing chip. Participants can only pass the baton by hand to their own team members, in the transition area, opposite the race pens - throwing, rolling or kicking the baton is not allowed.

6. After handing the baton to their team member, the participant must immediately move into the Finish Area. The last participant must return their team baton to staff in the finish area.

7. Each participant is required to display their bib number clearly throughout the race on the front of their t-shirt or vest.

No appeals are allowed. The Race Organiser's decision is final.

When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Tokyo 2024 will take place on Thursday 23rd May, starting and finishing in Marunouchi .

What roads will be closed?

Some roads will be closed for the race on the event day. For further information please contact the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Tokyo Office ([email protected])

How to get there? 

Car: The closest highway toll gate is Marunouchi Exit of TosihnKanjyo Line  

Train: Below stations are convenient:    

1 minute walk from JR Tokyo Sta. Marunouchi South Exit  

Direct access from Tokyo metro Marunouchi  Line Tokyo Sta. and Chiyoda line Futaebashimae Sta.  

3 minutes walk from JR Mita line Otemachi Sta.    

4 minutes walk from JR Keiyo line Tokyo Sta.  

8 minutes walk from Tokyo metro Yurakucho line Yurakucho Sta.  

Tokyo Metro Yurakucho line Yurakucho Sta.

What awards are available on the night? 

There are 5 awards presented after each race. The fastest team will receive the winner’s trophy; there are also trophies for the second and third placed teams, the fastest mixed team and the fastest female team. 

Are there any changing facilities?

Please arrive ready to race as there are very limited changing facilities on site. We do have a complimentary bag drop for you to leave your valuables whilst you race. Your luggage tag is attached to your race bib.

I want to join the race, but require additional support, is there someone I can speak to?

 We strive for our events to be as inclusive as possible and will do our best to support and accommodate any additional requirements you may have. Please fill in our Accessibility Form and a member of our team will be in touch.

Please email [email protected] if you have any additional questions.


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