







FAQs: Sao Paulo

When and where is it taking place?

The Bloomberg Square Mile Relay 2024 will take place on Thursday 8th August at Parque do Povo. Further details can be found on the city race page.

What time do we need to be there on the night?

Team captains should arrive from 5:30pm on the day to register and collect their team’s race pack, which includes team baton and race bibs.

Please note that it is only the nominated team captain who can register the team. We will take whoever registered the team as the captain unless we are told otherwise.  

Team members need to arrive by 6pm. At 6:45pm a warm-up will take place with the race starting at 7pm. Please note all times are subject to change.

What are the changing facilities?

There are no changing facilities on-site, but there is a place where you can store a small bag during the race.

​Can spectators buy food and drinks on the night?

Spectators are encouraged to come along to cheer on runners in the race and enjoy the atmosphere in the Race Village.

Hospitality packages will be available to purchase on the website shortly.




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