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Coming Soon


Referral Program Terms & Conditions


The term of the Referral Program for each Bloomberg Square Mile Relay race (each, a “Race”) extends from the day that each Race registration opens until such Race registration closes (each, a “Referral Period”).


1. A “Referrer” shall mean an individual that has received a referral program link to access the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay dedicated referral programme webpage using Typeform - (a “Link”) from either Bloomberg L.P. (“Bloomberg”) or the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay organiser (the “Organiser”).

2. A Referrer must reside in one of the countries in which a Race takes place.

3. Referrers can refer individuals from any firms and/or organisations, subject to the provisions below.

4. Referrers cannot refer individuals in their own team, but may refer additional individuals from their company providing their company already has one team entered in the same Race.

5. There is no Referral Program for the Race in Hong Kong, however, Referrers residing in Hong Kong can refer individuals in other Races.

6. Employees, agents and contractors (“Personnel”) of Bloomberg and Personnel of employees of government agencies, government owned entities, or any organization of a similar nature are not eligible to participate in this Referral Program


1. During the Referral Period, Referrers will be sent a Link by Bloomberg or the Organiser.

2. After receiving the Link, the Referrer must fill in the required details on the form and click “submit.”

3. The Organiser will then contact the referred individuals (“Referees”) via email to inform them that they have been referred to their local race.

4. In the email, the Organiser will provide information on the Race and a discount code for the Referees to type in when they are registering a team for the race through the normal registration procedure on the registration page (the “Site”).

5. The Referee must follow the Site’s instructions and enter the discount code to receive an instant 10% discount off the published entry payment (the “Referee Discount”) at the point of registration when enrolling his/her team in a Race (other than the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay Hong Kong) . The promotional code cannot be used in combination with any other offers or discount codes.

6. In order for a referral to be deemed a “Successful Referral,” (i) the above Eligibility Requirements must be satisfied, (ii) the applicable Referee must complete the online registration for his/her team using the referral discount code, (iii) the Organiser must receive payment by the Referee of the Race participation fee during the Referral Period and (iv) the Successful Referral Cap (as defined below) for the applicable Race must not have been met prior to the completion of the referral.

7. The Organiser’s system will track Successful Referrals.

8. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following limits on the number of Successful Referrals (each, a “Successful Referral Cap”) apply for each Race:

  • Dubai:                      20 teams
  • Hong Kong:                0 teams
  • Johannesburg:          20 teams
  • London:                    20 teams
  • Mumbai:                   20 teams
  • New York:                 20 teams
  • Paris:                        20 teams
  • San Francisco:           20 teams
  • Sao Paulo:                 20 teams
  • Shanghai:                  20 teams
  • Singapore:                 20 teams
  • Sydney:                     20 teams
  • Tokyo:                       20 teams

Once the Successful Referral Cap has been reached for a Race, the referral discount code will be deactivated on the payment portal on the Site by the Organiser for that particular Race only and as of that time, Referees will not be eligible to use the referral discount code or receive the Referee Discount. For the avoidance of doubt, any referral transactions completed after the Successful Referral Cap has been met shall not be deemed to be Successful Referrals. The copy of the ‘Race Overview’ section of the Site for each Race will be updated once the Successful Referral Cap has been met, highlighting that there will be no more referrals for that specific Race.


1. For each Successful Referral, a Referrer will receive the applicable award below (“Award”), up to a maximum of five (5) Awards per Referrer per calendar year, based on the location of residence of the Referrer, but Referrer must reside in an address located in one of the countries in which a Race takes place:

Residence of Referrer                   Award

Dubai (United Arab Emirates)          NIKE in-store voucher @ AED 365

Sydney (Australia)                           Rebel e-card voucher @ AUD 130

New York (Unites States)                  NIKE e-card voucher @ USD 80

Tokyo (Japan)                                  NIKE e-card voucher @ JPY 10,000

London (United Kingdom)                 NIKE e-card voucher @ GBP 70

Paris (France)                                  NIKE e-card voucher @ EUR 80

Sao Paulo (Brazil)                            Centauro in-store voucher @ BRL 365

Hong Kong (Hong Kong)                    NIKE e-card voucher @ HKD 800

Singapore (Singapore)                      NIKE e-card voucher @ SGD 120

Shanghai (China)                              NIKE e-card voucher @ CNY 800

San Francisco (United States)           NIKE e-card voucher @ USD 80

Mumbai (India)                                TBC

2. The Referrer will need to provide a valid postal address to the Organiser if the Award cannot be sent electronically so that the Organiser can send the Award once a Successful Referral has been completed.


By entering into this Referral Program and receiving an Award, Referrer and/or Referee acknowledge that any of their actions in connection with the Referral Program and the Bloomberg Square Mile Relay are in compliance with any applicable laws, rules and regulations and his/her employer's policies on hospitality and entertainment. A Referrer who has received and accepted an Award shall be deemed to have represented and warranted to Bloomberg and the Organiser that he/she does not work for a government agency, government owned entity, or any organisation of a similar nature.

The Referral Program may require the Referrer to provide his/her name, company email and company name through the Link, as well as the names and email addresses of their Referees. The Referee may be required to provide his/her name, company name, job title, company email, phone number and create a password in order to register online. Prior to the Race, the Referee may also be required to enter the names of all the runners of the Referee’s team. By providing the information of any third parties, the Referrer or Referree providing the information represents and warrants that they are authorized to do so and that they have received authorization from the person about whom they are providing the information and that person has consented to have all information used, disclosed, and transferred in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. By participating in this Referral Program and a Race, each Referrer and each member of the Referee’s team agree that their information may be shared with Bloomberg and Organiser. For more information about how Bloomberg may treat the information, please review the Bloomberg privacy policy available at

The Organiser confirms that the personal information of each Referer and Referee provided on the Referral Program Form will be stored and processed by Organiser in accordance with the provisions of the current Data Protection Laws including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council (General Data Protection)). Further information on how the Organiser uses the Referrer and Referees data can be found in our Privacy Policy.